Skype video interview with Paula Yoo!


I’m having so much fun! I got to chat with Paula Yoo via Skype and Paula is just made of inspiration! If you aren’t familiar with Paula, she is an award winning children’s book author, a classically trained professional violinist, a screen play writer and a substitute teacher. She is currently working as an Co-producer for the Syfy channel’s original show EuReka. I learned from Paula that “producer” is what they call television writers.

Since YouTube extended their max upload video amount from 10 minutes to 15 minutes that means I can now pack more into the interview. Paula and I talked about writing and time management. We talked about her NaPiBoWriWee, or National Picture Book Writing Week project that has taken on a life on it’s own and definitely something all picture book writers should know about. We also talked about what to do if you find a troll in your shower! But you can go listen to it all yourself, enjoy!

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